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Ryan Fleming

B.AppFit, B.ChiroSc, M.Chiro

Techniques: Manual adjustments, trigger point therapy, exercise prescription and sports taping.

Monday 10.00am to 6:00pm

Thursday 10:00am to 6:00pm
Thursday 10:00am to 6:00pm

Friday 10.00am to 5:00pm

Mobile: +61 416 805 001

Ryan Fleming is a qualified chiropractor with a Bachelor of Applied Fitness, a Bachelor of Chiropractic Science, and a Master of Chiropractic. He is also a certified personal trainer with a Cert 3 & 4 in personal training, ASCA level 1, and a level 1 sports trainer.

Ryan's passion for sports started at a young age, but frequent injuries led him to develop an interest in rehab and helping others return to their active lifestyle. His treatment approach includes spinal and peripheral manipulation, trigger point therapy, massage, and exercise prescription.

Ryan is particularly interested in treating patients involved in team field sports such as rugby and soccer and weightlifting sports like powerlifting and CrossFit. In addition, his unique insights as a qualified personal trainer enable him to provide tailored exercise programs for his patients. Ryan also has extensive experience in geriatric and post-operative rehabilitation, having worked in a rehabilitation hospital for four years.

In addition to his professional interests, Ryan enjoys playing team sports such as soccer, oz-tag, and basketball. He is also an avid sports fan, with a particular interest in NRL and UFC. Ryan enjoys bushwalking, rock climbing, and reading when not working or playing sports.