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Meet Exercise Physiologist, Helen Matic

Helen joins our St Leonards team with a wealth of knowledge and experience.

Helen graduated with a Bachelor of Applied Sciences (Exercise Physiology) at the University of Sydney, Australia. Throughout her studies, she worked as a group fitness instructor and personal trainer in Sydney’s North Shore.

Helen has over 10 years of experience in systematically guiding exercise, creating exercise programs and helping people achieve their goals whilst maintaining a balanced lifestyle.

Helen understands that exercises and exercise programs are not one-size-fits-all. She thoroughly observes her clients to ensure each exercise is carefully chosen, coached and appropriately regressed/progressed.

Helen is passionate about empowering others to improve their quality of life through exercise and specialises in:

  • Pregnancy – Helping to support women and their changing bodies during and after pregnancy with appropriate exercises.

  • Corporate health – Helping corporate workers focus on improving posture and building strength in areas neglected by the nature of their jobs.

  • Pain management – Focusing on strategies and exercise programs specifically targeted to improve pain alongside strength and function.

  • Weight management –  Reducing the risk of chronic disease and improving overall health with supervised exercise programs and advice.